Photo May 16, 2 12 45 PM (1).jpg


The inspiration and collection of story, information, experience and healing is dedicated to all of the courageous and strong women who gave me deep support at my most vulnerable times. To the Surgical Menopause & PMDD support groups and platforms dedicated to sharing experience and knowledge. To all the prayers that I know gave me wings to fly, with special thanks to Mákete. I felt you every step of the way. To my soul sisters, your divine beauty reminds me of my own. To my beloved friend Dick, your silent wisdom reminds me to slow down and drop in, we have spent lifetimes as allies supporting one another along the way. To my Mother and Father, you are truly my best friends. Your support and ever-lasting Love for me is profound. To Boon & Chlea, you cradled me in your arms, home and life during the most challenging two years of my life. Boon you were my bridge and my rock to get from PMDD to PMDD Free. I truly could not have done this without you. I love you. To Nature, thank you for the mountains that I climbed, for the Glaciers that inspired me, and for the waters that cleansed me & took away my pain. To the Plant Kingdom, and their ability to bring out truth and heal in ways that remain a mystery. To Magdalen — touched by the grace of God. To all the Divine souls I have the pleasure to connect with in ceremonial space—the Mystics, the Shamans & the Yogis—you know who you are. To my doctors who committed to my journey and truly listened to my pain and experience—and who helped with years of documentation, journaling, trialing countless treatments, medications, supplementation, and therapies. To Dr. Gina Nelson, and Dr. Steven Gordon, you are ALWAYS in my heart. Your dedication to helping others is more than words can say. Thank you both for truly seeing ME.